Pembroke College Cambridge

Pembroke College Short Courses - Communication Matters

13 May 2024 9.00 - 11.00
Pembroke College

Whether it's listening so that you truly hear what is being said. or getting your message over to others in a way that they can totally understand, great communication is a very valuable skill for managers and supervisors at all levels.

This two-hour seminar considers practical tips and techniques to help you communicate successfully. Such skills are readily transferrable and can be applied to a variety of contexts, including professional and personal relationships, counselling, leadership and management.

This managers and supervisors who would like tips to communicate effectively.

The trainer is Maggie Clements of Amethyst Consultancy, who has many years experience as a management trainer, consultant and coach.

The cost of the seminar is £99 + VAT per person. Tea, coffee and biscuits available.

Book your place by email or call our HR team on 01223 764577.


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