Pembroke College Cambridge

Open Days & Visiting Us

Open Days

July and September 2024

Our open days are designed to show prospective students, parents, carers and teachers what we are like as a College, and give you a chance to see if we might be the place for you! Bookings for the July 2024 Open Days will be available from Spring 2024 via the University of Cambridge Open Days page

Open Day Dates and Bookings 2024

Please note that schedules and subjects offered are provisional, and may change.

Date Subjects Schedule Programme Bookings
N/A Pembroke College Virtual
Open Day Resources:
About the College

Various videos giving you the chance to meet current students,
get the answers to some admissions FAQs, look around the College,
and meet some of Pembroke's people.

Suitable for students in Year 12 in England and Wales, S5 and S6 in Scotland, and Year 13 in Northern Ireland (or equivalent)

  Visit our Virtual Open Day website
Thursday 4th and Friday 5th July 2024


University of Cambridge Open Day: All Subjects


Guided College tours will take place throughout the day

There will also be information stands available, with academic admissions staff on hand to answer your questions!
Tours of College and Information Stand available all day Bookings now open!
Friday 13th September 2024 University of Cambridge: Colleges Open Day Guided College tours will take place throughout the day

There will also be information stands available, with academic admissions staff on hand to answer your questions!
Tours of College and Information Stand available all day Bookings open from Summer 2024

Open Day Directors of Studies Stand

During the Open Days, Pembroke College will be hosting a Subject Tutors stand, where you are welcome to drop in to ask questions. The stand will be staffed by Subject Tutors from Pembroke College representing various subjects throughout the day. Please see below a provisional timetable. Please note these timetables are subject to change but we hope you will find this useful in planning your day!

Live Zoom Q&A Sessions for state school students, parents, carers and teachers

Various dates

We very much want prospective students to have the chance to meet the Admissions Team, and ask any questions they have about Pembroke and/or Cambridge! As such, Pembroke is pleased to be hosting a series of information and Q&A webinars, aimed specifically at students who are currently in year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), or year 13 (Northern Ireland), and are attending a state school in the UK. The aim of these sessions is to share information about applying to Cambridge and answer any questions that prospective applicants, their parents/carers, or teachers might have. Please see the table below for upcoming dates, topics, and a link to the booking forms. 

Date Time Topic Bookings
Tuesday 28th May 2024 17:00-18:00  About Cambridge and the Application Process    Click here to book
Tuesday 11th June 2024 17:00-18:00  Personal Statement and Subject Exploration Click here to book
Tuesday 10th September 2024 17:00-18:00    Meet our students! Click here to book
Tuesday 1st October 2024 17:00-18:00    Assessments and Interviews Click here to book

Visiting Us

If you are unable to visit us during an open day, then you are still welcome to come and look around Pembroke to see if you'd like to apply to us. Pembroke is open for prospective applicants to visit; please ensure that upon arrival you report to the Porters' Office on Trumpington Street. Please be aware that it is only the outside spaces that are available for viewing, but we hope that this still gives you the chance to get a sense of the College, and see if we might be the right place for you!

We also have an audio tour available for prospective applicants, which can be collected from the Porters' Lodge. Simply scan the QR codes as you walk around the College to find out about some of our main sites! Transcripts are also available for anyone who would like one. 

A general visitor information trifold leaflet can be downloaded below, for your use on the day:










Virtual Tour

Whilst we'd love for you to visit Pembroke and see for yourself what the College is like, we know that that might not be possible. So, we've put together a short virtual tour to show you the main College site!


We've also put together a photo walkthrough of some areas of the College, which we hope also gives you the chance to get a feel for Pembroke: 

Click here to see the virtual walkthrough.


Events for Schools

Each Cambridge college is linked to specific areas in the UK. Pembroke offers a range of events for students from its link areas:

  • Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire
  • Leicester and Leicestershire
  • Northamptonshire
  • London Borough of Southwark
  • Scotland (shared with Homerton College)

Once we have publicised our events to schools in our link areas above, we’re always glad to consider applications from other state schools. If you’re a teacher or advisor and would like to hear more about these opportunities, please contact us.

We also have a monthly e-newsletter; if you are a teacher and would like to find out about upcoming opportunities for your students then please do sign up!

Self-guided tours

We are pleased to now be open again for individual prospective applicants to come and have a look around the Pembroke College grounds! You are welcome to do this, any day between 9am and 5pm. Please report to the Porters' Lodge upon arrival, for more information about where you are able to visit, and to pick up a self-guided tour map. 

We are only closed to individual visitors on occasional days for events such as weddings. 

We encourage schools and colleges to arrange small group visits. We are only closed to group visits during the exam period (May-June), and on occasional days for events such as weddings. 

Contact our Schools Liaison Officer or Admissions Officer to see if a visit is possible.


Cambridge is a wonderful place to explore but its winding historic streets can be congested. Cars have limited access to the city centre and parking can be challenging, so we suggest you consider other forms of transport.

Plan your trip using Park & Ride and get visitor tips from the Tourist Information Centre.


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