Pembroke College Cambridge

2014 Graduate Poster Display

Arshad Hadjirin (2010) has won first prize in the 2014 Graduate Poster Display for his poster on The Kingdom of Gharnata: the Government and Institutions.

The annual competition celebrates the work of graduate students in Pembroke. Entries are judged on clarity and the skill by which often complicated information is delivered. Nineteen entries were received, in subjects as diverse as Linear A, volcanic eruption dynamics and the work of emigre Russian artists.

Arshad's poster explored the and scored highly for the way in which it guided the reader through the institutions, but also for its eye-catching design. Arshad is currently in the 4th year of a PhD in Asian & Middle Eastern Studies.

Second place was awarded to archaeology student Danika Parikh (2010) for her poster Who were the Harrappans? A 5,000 year old mystery.

Third prize went to bioscientist Lenka Veselovksa (2009) for her entry Eggs mark a subset of genes for appropriate activity in embryos.

A prize is also awarded to the best poster produced by a first year graduate student, which is open to students reading for a masters degree. Psychology PhD student Sandra Matz won for her poster Using Big Data in real-life online marketing: personality targeted and tailored advertising on Facebook.

Thank you to all the graduate students who entered the competition.

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