Pembroke College Cambridge

Breaking the Silence

The University of Cambridge has launched a campaign to promote zero tolerance of sexual misconduct.

Called ‘Breaking the Silence – Cambridge speaks out against sexual misconduct’, the campaign will highlight a range of new prevention, support and reporting measures coming into effect in 2017. provides links to upcoming training and current initiatives, as well as advice and support for people who have experience, or wish to report, sexual misconduct and harassment. The campaign involves students, staff and Fellows, and aims to create a culture of zero tolerance for harassment. Pembroke is also one of the colleges trialing the Bystander Intervention Initiative, which gives people the skills and confidence to safely intervene when they see misconduct and harassment happening. You can listen to College Nurse Jan Brighting discuss it in the video below:

Here are some of the campaign's supporters in Pembroke:

[auto-gallery]Dan Tucker portrait + quote Sophia portrait + quote Sofia Ropek Hewson quote + portrait Jan portrait + quote Evie portrait + quote[/auto-gallery]

These statistics show some of the reasons why this campaign is so crucial:

[auto-gallery]90 per cent of victims know perpretrator 4 in 5 victims do not report 52 per cent of women experience sexul harassment[/auto-gallery]

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Pembroke College Cambridge