Pembroke College Cambridge

China Goes Global Talks Film

For the 3rd Annual China Goes Global Lecture, Pembroke welcomed Peter Loehr to speak on the growth of the Chinese film industry.D1065-0028.1

Loehr, who moved to China in 1995, began China’s first independent film company. He then went on to become CEO of Legendary East, a subsidiary of Legendary Entertainment, which was recently sold to the Dalian Wanda Group.

Using his extensive experience working in the film industry in China, Loehr ran through numbers that showed the growth of Chinese cinema in the last 10 years both in the number of cinemas and cinema screens that are now in the country as well as demonstrating the rise in number of Chinese made films and the box office takings.

Loehr also elaborated on plans that he was involved in to introduce Chinese film, culture, and history through international films which begins with The Great Wall which features Matt Damon with a predominantly Chinese cast and filmed entirely in China.
D1065-0054.1The evening was then opened up to a panel which included a lawyer and a diplomat in its number as they  discussed further the points raised by Loehr’s talk and how that related to their fields of expertise with Tom Kirkwood from the Kirkwood Family Foundation presiding.

The event was kindly sponsored by the Kirkwood Family Foundation and CRCC Asia.

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