Pembroke College Cambridge

College receives allergen accreditation

IMG_1970Pembroke has become the first university establishment in the UK to be allergen accredited.

In December, the government introduced new legislation concerning allergen labelling. Pembroke’s catering team responded with Simply Pembroke, a variety of allergen-free food in the cafeteria to suit allergy-suffers.

Following the introduction of Simply Pembroke in January, Catering Manager David Harwood contacted Allergen Accreditation. Head Chef Sebastian Little and College Butler Savino Cafagna completed all the necessary paperwork and, on Monday 20th April, Allergen Accreditation CEO Julian Edwards carried out a rigorous inspection of the kitchens.

He confirmed that the College was compliant in all 45 of the specified areas and was able to offer the official accreditation.

Julian says: ‘I’m delighted to be able to hand over an accreditation certificate, which is the Michelin star of allergen management. Pembroke’s catering team have not just met the requirements. They have done something exceptional. I have not seen an allergen free zone anywhere else yet – you’re the first.’

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Pembroke College Cambridge