Pembroke College Cambridge

Covid 19 Staff Arrangements

This is an update for third parties concerned about the situation of College employees; more information is available for College employees via the HR portal.

The Covid 19 pandemic has had a major impact on Pembroke College, including closing down most residential operations and the loss of more than £2m in income (principally due to loss of student rent and cancellation of summer academic programmes), in addition to adverse investment performance. However, we are conscious that the situation for our staff, students and wider society is, in many instances more severe than on the College and we are trying our very best to be fair and supportive to everyone within the limits of our resources.

The government have made it clear that continued residential provision for students who are unable to go elsewhere is essential and the staff required to support these students are essential staff, as are those required for the security and maintenance of our facilities. This includes an enhanced cleaning regime for all public areas.

Nonetheless, with the reduction in activities, around 50% of our staff have been furloughed and a substantial proportion of the remaining staff work mainly from home. We have tried to take in to account personal circumstances (such as having nursery or school age children or being in a vulnerable group) where possible in deciding who to furlough.

Staff who are still coming in to work have had significant changes in working practices to preserve social distancing and where appropriate (eg entering a student room which has been vacated less than 14 days previously) have full PPE available, including N95 masks.

The UK "furloughing" or Job Retention Scheme is available to provide a grant to an organisation covering up to 80% of each PAYE payroll employee’s wages where they are furloughed at any period (currently) from 1st March to 1st June 2020. For that period, furloughed staff retain full contractual salary and pension benefits from Pembroke. In all cases, they will still be receiving more than the Real Living Wage.

As well as furloughing permanent staff Pembroke College has chosen to furlough its casual catering and library supervisor staff on 100% of the rate the government allow (which is based on historic hours). We regard regular casual staff as an important part of our College family, and many are familiar and friendly faces for our students. We employ no other regular casual or "zero-hours" staff. We are calculating their average monthly wage based on HMRC guidelines, i.e. an average of up to the last 12 months pay. We will pay those staff 100% of pay and claim the 80% grant under the Job Retention Scheme.

Pembroke College pays at least the Real Living Wage to all staff it employs, including through agencies. Our use of agency staff in recent years has been minimal, limited to exceptional events (annual feasts for example, or covering illness). 

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