Pembroke College Cambridge

Exploring global climate change

On Thursday 2nd October 2014 Pembroke will host guests from Alaska, Mexico and Mongolia as part of an innovative event exploring climate change.

'Learning Pathways through Changing Places: Exploring the Global' is a symposium that is being organised by Pembroke Fellow Dr Hildegard Diemberger and her colleagues at the Pathways Project. They hope to bring together researchers and practitioners from around the globe to talk about alternative approaches to learning in times of environmental change. Each expert in attendance will speak about the environmental issues that they experience in their local area and the significance of these for the rest of the globe.

This event is a collaboration between the Division of Social Anthropology and the Faculty of Education and forms part of a three year project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Overall, the Pathways Project intents to research the ways in which people from a range of different cultures perceive and narrate environmental change. By developing cross-cultural links, it will become possible to connect the local experience of environmental change in East Anglia with the experience of change elsewhere in the world, particularly Mongolia and the Arctic.

The event is open to anyone with an interest in the subject, but it is necessary to book a place in advance.

For more about Dr Diemberger's work on Tibetan concepts of climate change, see the feature article in a recent edition of the University’s magazine Research Horizons.

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