Pembroke College Cambridge

History of International Programmes Dinner

On Monday 13th November 2017, the College had the pleasure of hosting the History of International Programmes dinner, celebrating forty years of international activities at Pembroke College.

Alongside an interview series over 12 months, the dinner formed part of our 40th anniversary celebrations and included a small exhibition, excellently put together by Mrs Lyndy Hilton, showcasing programme group photos, brochures and timetables, past and present.

The guest list included individuals who have been involved with or influenced the growth and development of International Programmes at Pembroke. As such, the dinner celebrated not only the department, but each person’s small or indeed large contribution to making the International Programmes department what it is today, and cementing Pembroke College’s place in the world of international education.

In the first speech of the evening Dr Daniela Passolt, the Director of International Programmes, emphasised that in forty years the department has witnessed a lot of change and transformation. However, three uniting, underlying themes have always made Pembroke’s international activities remarkable: the passion and dedication of all involved alongside a deep understanding of the uniqueness of what Pembroke has to offer; a willingness to experiment and adapt to the ever-changing needs of its students; and finally, much ahead of time an awareness that both Pembroke and Cambridge are part of an increasingly internationalised higher education setting.

During the evening speeches were delivered by Sir Roger Tomkys, the former Master of Pembroke; Dr Emily Guerry, a former Semester student and lecturer at Kent University; Dr Daniel Rosenthal, who has lectured for many years on various programmes, and Lord Chris Smith, the current Master of Pembroke.

By celebrating forty years of International Programmes we hope to not only look back on our past, but also to our future. Next year we are planning a crowdfunding campaign to launch the International Programmes’ 40th Anniversary Prize, aiming to use this opportunity to create a long lasting impact on our programmes and connect past, present and future students with one another.



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