Pembroke College Cambridge

Interview with Dr John Durrell, Lecturer in Superconductivity

jhd25_2The Department of Engineering has published an interview with Dr John Durrell, Lecturer in Superconductivity.

Last year, Dr Durrell was part of the team that set a new world record for a trapped field in a superconductor. In September he took on Professor David Cardwell’s group while Cardwell serves as Head of the Department of Engineering for five years.

In an interview with Philip Guildford, Director of Research, he says: 'I want to maintain the momentum that David has built over the years, keep the team spirit, develop our industrial connections and really make the most of this turning point for superconductivity.

'After five years, I want David and the team to be really proud of our results: new scientific and engineering discoveries, demonstrations of superconducting machines and companies working with us to take superconductors into new practical applications.'

The full interview is available on the Department of Engineering website.

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