Pembroke College Cambridge

Pembroke Leavers’ Group Campaign Approaches Deadline

The Pembroke Leavers' Group fundraising campaign ends on Friday 10 June.


As has been tradition since 1998, this year’s finalists have come together to raise money for aspects of Pembroke life they feel strongly about as a parting gift to the College that has been their home throughout their undergraduate studies. This year, the 2016 Leavers’ Group Committee has settled on two specific student-focused causes.

The first is the College’s Access programme, which seeks to offer prospective students from a variety of under-represented backgrounds the support and encouragement they might need to aspire to university-level study. The objective is for the 2016 Leavers’ Group to raise enough money to enhance student involvement in outreach activities and to provide additional resources for year 10 and 11 students who attend events at the College, such as the Key Stage Four Easter Residential.

The second chosen cause is the Peter May Sports Fund. This endowed fund is integral to sport at Pembroke as it subsidises kit, equipment and events, and funds annual prizes awarded to Pembroke students for their sporting successes.

Anyone who contributes to the 2016 Pembroke Leavers' Group will be invited to the May Week Benefactors’ Garden Party at the College on Saturday 11 June.

If you would like to make a gift, please click here, and for further information, please visit this link. Every donation is highly valued, regardless of the size – thank you for your support!

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Pembroke College Cambridge