Pembroke College Cambridge

Professor Robin Franklin promotes stem cell research

RMFProfessor Robin Franklin has been featured in the first of a series of articles about stem cells published on the University of Cambridge research website.

Published on Wednesday 1st October, the article discusses the ways in which Cambridge scientists studying stem cells are helping to provide a stream of new knowledge about how our bodies are made and maintained. It also suggests that stem cells can fulfill the promise of being one of medical research’s great hopes.

Professor Franklin and his colleague Professor Austin Smith write: 'In certain disorders, stem cells grown in the laboratory could be used to supply new cells to renew damaged tissues and replace missing cells.'

140930brian-cellsastrocytes-in-green-and-oligodendrocytes-in-redobtained-in-tissue-culture-fromThey add that stem cells may have applications in tackling cancer, ageing, diseased tissues and the development of therapeutic drugs.

For more information, please see the full article.

Professor Robin Franklin is a Fellow of Pembroke College and Head of Translational Science at the Wellcome Trust-MRC Cambridge Stem Cell Institute.

Image credit: Sybil Stacpoole and Robin Franklin

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