Pembroke College Cambridge

Professor Stephen O’Rahilly admitted to membership of the Royal Irish Academy


Professor Stephen O'Rahilly has been admitted to membership of the Royal Irish Academy. The Royal Irish Academy, Ireland’s leading body of experts in the sciences and humanities, admitted eighteen new Members on Friday (26th May). Since 1785 membership of the Academy has been awarded to persons who have attained distinction by their unique contributions to education and research.

Professor Peter Kennedy, President of the Royal Irish Academy, said

'Ireland should be immensely proud of these women and men who have brought international academic distinction to our country. As Members of the Academy, they will strengthen the Academy’s capacity to provide expert advice on Higher Education and Research policy’.

Professor O'Rahilly was admitted on the basis of being "a world renowned expert who has completed pioneering work on the causes of obesity and Type 2 diabetes – including discovering the obesity gene affecting children". He is Co-Director, IMS; Director, University of Cambridge Metabolic Research Laboratories; Director, MRC Metabolic Diseases Unit; and Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Medicine.

The Royal Irish Academy/Acadamh Ríoga na hÉireann champions research, identifying and recognising Ireland’s world class researchers. The Royal Irish Academy supports scholarship and promotes awareness of how science and the humanities enrich our lives and benefit society. They believe that good research needs to be promoted, sustained and communicated. The Academy is run by a Council of its members. Membership is by election and considered the highest Academic honour in Ireland. (Information here)

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Pembroke College Cambridge