Pembroke College Cambridge

Songs of Consolation from Boethius to the Carmina Burana

Saturday 23 April, 8pm, Pembroke Chapel - Songs of Consolation from Boethius to the Carmina Burana

Benjamin Bagby and Sequentia present songs from Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy. The melodies are reconstructed from a rediscovered leaf of the 11th-century ‘Cambridge Songs Manuscript’.  This concert represents the first public outing of a collaboration between the leading group for the reconstruction of lost medieval song repertories and pioneering research conducted by Pembroke Fellow and Director of Study in Music, Sam Barrett.  The Boethian songs are complemented in this performance by settings of texts by Horace and from the Carmina Burana in an exclusive preview of Sequentia’s newest concert programme, ‘Monks singing Pagans.

Tickets: £20, £15 (conc.), £5 (students) from Pembroke Porters’ Lodge.  For further information and online purchasing of tickets, go to:

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