Pembroke College Cambridge

UK launch of the Pembroke College Circle

Saturday 27th September 2014 will see the official UK launch of the Pembroke College Circle.

This exciting new society brings together friends of Pembroke from all over the world and welcomes them into the life of the College. The Circle particularly wishes to involve those who have attended International Programmes at the College, family of alumni, and those who – through other connections – might be called ‘friends’ of Pembroke.

In addition to becoming part of a wider Pembroke network, members will receive regular College news updates and enjoy a number of attractive benefits including the opportunity to attend special events both in Cambridge and overseas.

The Master Sir Richard Dearlove, in his role as Chair of the Circle’s Board of Overseers, says: ‘The Pembroke Circle, recently established, is a wonderful way for all members of the extended and scattered Pembroke community who are not technically alumni to strengthen their association with the College.  It will link them effectively and efficiently to Pembroke’s wide and growing international network.’

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The Circle, which already boasts a membership of over 500 people, received its US East Coast launch at The Yale Club of New York on 12th April 2014. There will also be a Japan launch on 22nd November 2014 and a California launch in May 2015.

The UK launch will take place on Saturday 27th September 2014 in Pembroke’s Old Library. For more information about the event, please contact the Pembroke Circle Coordinator.

Membership of the Circle is free. For more information visit the Circle web pages or to join the Circle please fill in our online membership form.

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