Pembroke College Cambridge

Valencians return for inaugural careers event

[caption id="attachment_17554" align="alignright" width="300"]Patrick Goymer Patrick Goymer[/caption]

On 10th November, the 1347 Committee held its inaugural careers event, organised by Hamish Lazell (2010).

Whilst information about 'milk round' jobs is readily available at Cambridge, it is often difficult to find out about careers that fall outside these areas. As such, the 1347 Committee launched a series of careers events during which old Valencians, who have taken an array of assorted careers paths, have the opportunity to share their experiences and advice with current students. The aim is to broaden horizons regarding potential careers, making students aware of the diversity of employment opportunities after Cambridge.

On Monday, Pembroke welcomed back Dr Patrick Goymer (1995, Natural Sciences), Associate Editor of Biology at Nature, Benjamin Irving (2003, English) Creative Executive of Heyday Films, and Laura Greenfield (2001, Philosophy) Associate Director at the UL. All alumni, they detailed their respective career experience, and how they found their unique industries, to a packed Old Library.

All the speakers stressed that variety was a key to what attracted them to their current roles, and kept their interest alive: be it working with on a myriad of scientific articles, films or fundraising projects. Also emphasised was the importance of anticipating unconventional routes in careers. Although hundreds of leaflets on consulting, banking and similar graduate schemes are pidged to many students, there is a vast range of possible careers beyond Cambridge, many of which people fall into by happy accident.

Next term, the careers series will continue with a joint evening with PemWomen@30. This event will focus on women at Pembroke, their careers since leaving and experiences as women in the workplace.

Helena Roy (2013, Economics)

[caption id="attachment_17552" align="alignright" width="300"]Ben Irving Ben Irving[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_17553" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Laura Greenfield Laura Greenfield[/caption]

Photos: College Recorder

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