Pembroke College Cambridge

Art in Old Court

If you have stopped by Pembroke’s Old Court in the past week you may have noticed something out of the ordinary along the Cloisters.

IMG_20160913_140703.1Hannah Quinlivan, a Visual Arts PhD student at Australian National University, is responsible for the new addition. The work is part of the paper she is delivering at the Cambridge AHRC DTP conference which is being held at Peterhouse 14th-16th September.

The conference’s topic is ‘Time and Temporality’ and it is this that Hannah explores in the work that has been created around the Cloisters and War Memorial. Starting a week and a half before the conference, the work has evolved to reflect the rhythm of life in Pembroke’s Old Court.

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A site-specific work, Hannah has used her materials to visualise Henri Lefebvre’s concept of rhythmanalysis. The density of the work responds to the rhythm of the Court, while the wire that runs through the piece holds the memory of each touch reflecting the memories held in the Pembroke War Memorial.

IMG_20160913_140625.1Hannah will continue to work on the piece until the conference begins and it will be taken down on September 17th.

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Pembroke College Cambridge