Pembroke College Cambridge

Fauré and Fund-raising: Tuesday nights at Pembroke

On Tuesday last week a small audience was treated to the first in a new series of recitals in aid of the Syrian refugee crisis.

Anna Lapwood, Director of Music, tells Kit Smart more about the recitals.

The Tuesday recitals are a new scheme set up this year as part of the College’s ongoing commitment to raise money for the Syrian Refugee Crisis. We have so many links with fantastically talented musicians both in Cambridge and beyond, and so we thought it would make sense to showcase them whilst simultaneously raising money for a very important cause.



We’re hoping to also use the series to revive links with old members or people who have a personal link with Pembroke; next week’s recitalist, Fatima Lahham , was born and raised in Pembroke while her parents were PhD students here. Similarly, the last recital of the series will be given by David Galbraith Woods(1962), an alumnus who has just donated the College a harpsichord on which he will be performing. There will also be some bigger concerts, such as Fauré’s Requiem, performed by the Chapel Choir on the 15th November. All of the recitals are free, making their money from a retiring collection at the end. The first concert raised a fantastic £136; hopefully we can beat that next week!

The recitals are a wonderful opportunity to hear talented musicians play in the beautiful setting of the college chapel, so please do come along.

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Pembroke College Cambridge