Pembroke College Cambridge

Freshers’ Week 2015

For most people, Freshers’ Week is one of the most exciting and memorable experiences of university life: a chance to make new friends, discover new opportunities and settle into a new home.

The Junior Parlour Committee and the Graduate Parlour Committee did an outstanding job this year of welcoming the new students to Pembroke, with a range of events designed to cater for all tastes and to cover all the essentials. Highlights included the Freshers’ Fair (also known as the ‘Squash’, due to the customary lack of elbow room), where College societies advertised themselves and attracted new members; Family Night, where small groups of Freshers got to know their ‘parents’ from the years above; the Live Music Night in Foundress Court; the compulsory Sexual Consent Workshops, where older students led informal and enthusiastic discussions about the importance of consent; and, of course, the (in)famous College Bop. The Freshers also attended their first formal dinner in the Hall and officially became members of the College at the Matriculation Ceremony in the Old Library. Have a look through the photo gallery below for some more highlights of Freshers’ Week 2015…

[caption id="attachment_21861" align="alignleft" width="480"]1. Some of our new graduate students attending the free cocktail night in the Graduate Parlour on their first evening in College. 1. Some of our new graduate students attending the free cocktail night in the Graduate Parlour on their first evening in College.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21862" align="alignright" width="360"]2. Due to a slight chair shortage in the Old Library, some of the new students had to undertake a bit of manual labour on their way to the Senior Tutor’s talk. 2. Due to a slight chair shortage in the Old Library, some of the new students had to undertake a bit of manual labour on their way to the Senior Tutor’s talk.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21863" align="alignleft" width="320"]3. “Relish the struggle with new concepts and strange ideas”: Mark Wormald, the Senior Tutor, welcomes the new students to Pembroke. 3. “Relish the struggle with new concepts and strange ideas”: Mark Wormald, the Senior Tutor, welcomes the new students to Pembroke.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21891" align="alignright" width="480"]4. The Freshers’ Fair in Foundress Court featured stalls from all manner of College societies, including the PEMbassadors, Pembroke Foreign Films, Badminton, Rowing, the Poetry Society, and of course the recently-established Pembroke Collage Society. 4. The Freshers’ Fair in Foundress Court featured stalls from all manner of College societies, including the PEMbassadors, Pembroke Foreign Films, Badminton, Rowing, the Poetry Society, and of course the recently-established Pembroke Collage Society.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21892" align="alignleft" width="320"]5. On Monday evening, it was the Grad Freshers’ turn for a talk in the Old Library, with an excellent buffet provided by our catering department. 5. On Monday evening, it was the Grad Freshers’ turn for a talk in the Old Library, with an excellent buffet provided by our catering department.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21893" align="alignright" width="480"]6. Not to scare the arts students, but Monday night's Pub Quiz in the JP included questions such as "To the nearest 50, 000 metres per second, what is the volumetric flow of the Amazon?" 6. Not to scare the arts students, but Monday night's Pub Quiz in the JP included questions such as "To the nearest 50, 000 metres per second, what is the volumetric flow of the Amazon?"[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21894" align="alignleft" width="480"]7. On Tuesday morning, the Graduate Parlour Committee ran a drop-in Q&A session for new students, with an impressive array of free food on offer. 7. On Tuesday morning, the Graduate Parlour Committee ran a drop-in Q&A session for new students, with an impressive array of free food on offer.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21895" align="alignright" width="480"]8. Matriculation, the most important and most Hogwartsy event of Freshers’ Week, took place on Tuesday morning. 8. Matriculation, the most important and most Hogwartsy event of Freshers’ Week, took place on Tuesday morning.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21908" align="alignleft" width="360"]9. Our new Master, Lord Chris Smith, led the Matriculation Service in Chapel on Tuesday evening. 9. Our new Master, Lord Chris Smith, led the Matriculation Service in Chapel on Tuesday evening.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21897" align="alignright" width="360"]10. On Thursday, Pembroke’s 1347 Committee provided a free picnic for the Freshers on the sunlit Bowling Green. 10. On Thursday, Pembroke’s 1347 Committee provided a free picnic for the Freshers on the sunlit Bowling Green.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21896" align="alignleft" width="480"]11. Tutor meetings are an important way of providing individual support and helping students to feel at home within the College. 11. Tutor meetings are an important way of providing individual support and helping students to feel at home within the College.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21898" align="alignright" width="480"]12. On Friday night, the JPC organised a game of Laser Quest in the ground floor and basement of Foundress Court. 12. On Friday night, the JPC organised a game of Laser Quest in the ground floor and basement of Foundress Court.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21899" align="alignleft" width="480"]13. The Myths & Legends Bop on Saturday night was interrupted by a fire alarm at ten to midnight, which meant that traditional Bop classic 'Angels'  had to be performed outside on the Bowling Green. 13. The Myths & Legends Bop on Saturday night was interrupted by a fire alarm at ten to midnight, which meant that traditional Bop classic 'Angels' had to be performed outside on the Bowling Green.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21901" align="alignright" width="587"]14. A group of Freshers came to the Bop as JPC President Will Popplewell, 'the man, the myth, the legend'. (Photo by Georgie Holiday) 14. A group of Freshers came to the Bop as JPC President Will Popplewell, 'the man, the myth, the legend'. (Photo by Georgie Holiday)[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21909" align="alignleft" width="593"]15. Meanwhile, the lively Grad Bop was Noah’s Ark-themed and took place in the New Cellars. 15. Meanwhile, the lively Grad Bop was Noah’s Ark-themed and took place in the New Cellars.[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_21902" align="alignright" width="590"]16. The Freshers' Oscars, which were presented at the JPC meeting on Sunday afternoon, included 'Rowdiest Fresher', 'Pub Crawl Queen' and 'Best Photobomb' (winning entry pictured here). (Photo by Pem.Ents) 16. The Freshers' Oscars, which were presented at the JPC meeting on Sunday afternoon, included 'Rowdiest Fresher', 'Pub Crawl Queen' and 'Best Photobomb' (winning entry pictured here). (Photo by Pem.Ents)[/caption]

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