Pembroke College Cambridge

Humans of Pembroke - Chris, Cristina & Libby

This is a new series of blogs which looks at how members of the Pembroke community are coping during the lockdown. If you would like to take part, please complete this (very!) short online form:

Lord Chris Smith, Master

I'm the Master of Pembroke; I came here originally as an undergraduate fifty years ago, stayed on as a postgraduate for a PhD, then left to have a career in public life, eventually coming back as Master four and a half years ago. It's been the most enjoyable job I've ever done!

What do you like most about Pembroke?

The gardens, especially glorious at this time of year. The food (infinitely better than it was when I was a student). Above all, the sense of being part of a real community where everyone genuinely wants the best for everyone else.

How have you been spending your time in lockdown?

I'm locked down in the Master's Lodge; and there are far worse places in the world to be. Though I'm getting a bit fed up of spending virtually the entire time sitting in front of a computer screen. Because of the pandemic, the demands of keeping the show on the road have made life busier than ever. But I've been able to bake the occasional cake; to wander round the College gardens every day; to take occasional walks along the river to Grantchester or out into the Cambridgeshire countryside. My nightly treat is re-watching an episode or two of The West Wing. It makes you nostalgic for a time when presidents were presidential.

What are you most looking forward to when this situation is over?

Meeting friends. Going out to eat. Being able to give people a hug. Climbing mountains again. Going to the May Ball.

Anything else you would like to say?

I'm very conscious that I'm incredibly lucky, being here in College and being able to experience the beauty of the Spring, the flowerbeds, the birdsong, the sheer delight of the place. And I'm really looking forward to the chance once again to share it with everyone else!

Lord Chris Smith atop a Munro

Cristina Santos, Postgraduate Student

I am a 2nd year PhD student in Education. I am Portuguese and am spending the social distancing back in my home town, Aveiro. I have lived in the UK for most of the past 11 years as a Biology teacher and middle leader in secondary Education. I am now looking at how career education can be improved in secondary schools in Portugal.

I miss Cambridge a lot. Despite being officially in my 2nd year now, I have started in 2017 as a part-time student whilst being a Head of House and teacher full/time, in London.

The first thing I will do when I return to Cambridge upon the University's reopening will be to say hello to the porters and then pop into the GP to see if there is any adventurous soul there.

What do you like most about Pembroke?

The staff, the gardens, the smell of books in the library, the brunch, the relaxed chats with other postgraduates, laying down on the grass.

How have you been spending your time in lockdown?

I'm transcribing interviews (boring!) at the moment. But overall, getting to a routine that involves exercise, cooking for my family, socialising online with close friends and do focused work for 8 hours.

What are you most looking forward to when this situation is over?

To travel, to go for a glass of wine with friends at a bar, to just walk on the street unworried.

Cristina Santos

Libby Prodger, Admissions Office

I have worked in Pembroke Admissions office as a Schools' Liaison Officer for just over a year.

How have you been spending your time in lockdown?

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel all of our face-to-face outreach activities at Pembroke College until 31st August 2020. We should now be in our busiest time of the year in terms of events with school students! As a team, we are also looking at how we can best support both our offer holders and also prospective students during this time. We have been developing resources to share with students and we are looking forward to hosting some virtual events for prospective students!

We’ve been able to carry out tasks which we would normally do over the summer period, such as evaluating previous events. We’ve also taken this time to work on more online engagement via our social media channels. One thing we have worked on in conjunction with other Colleges is a document for prospective students with helpful resources for ‘super-curricular’ subject engagement. This will be something we can not only use now, but which can be updated regularly and used in the future too!

How have you found the transition to working from home?

‘Odd’ was the first work which sprang to mind! I have found it difficult not seeing people around the College every day. One thing that the Admissions team has noticed is that interactions seem more formal when working from home. Impromptu discussions and random questions don’t happen very easily when working from home. We have daily catch-ups as a team though which has helped us stay more connected.

What’s your top tip for working from home?

Am I allowed two?

Video calls! Seeing each other face-to-face each day has has really helped with the transition to working from home. It’s also a lot easier to be more creative, think about ideas and potential projects when you can talk it through with someone, rather than writing out a long email to them. Having regular catch-ups with teammates is also important to break up your working day.

Take regular breaks, don’t put too much pressure on yourself, and stick to your normal working hours (as far as possible!).

What do you most miss about not working in the College?

Seeing people from different departments and areas of the College every day! The random interactions when you bump into somebody in Ivy Court, chatting with the porters when collecting post, with the catering staff at lunchtime, or members of the housekeeping department in the morning. I miss the whole Pembroke community!

Are there any books/film/TV series/music you’d recommend to your co-workers?

  • TV: Gangs of London (though it took me a long time to calm down after each episode!)
  • Books: So Lucky by Dawn O’Porter

Do you have a message you’d like to pass on to your co-workers and students?

To the whole Pembroke community, we miss you lots and we’re looking forward to seeing you all again! A special mention to the JPC who have been doing an absolutely amazing job over on their Instagram page!

Libby Prodger, Admissions Office, and her cat


Images: Lord Smith, Cristina Santos, Libby Prodger


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