Pembroke College Cambridge

PKP 2019 Photo Competition

The Pembroke-King’s Summer Programme brings together 350 international students from all around the world for 6 weeks of academic challenge, cultural exchange and new experiences.

On the programme we run a photo competition as it’s such a lovely gateway into an authentic PKP experience. And whether it’s carefully taken on a DSLR or quickly snapped on a phone, we always love seeing our students’ photos!

This year we offered three categories to submit to: College Life, Friends Made and General.

Let’s take a look at the 2019 winners and special mentions:


College Life - Jessie Li

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Friends Made - Benedict Cheng

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General - Dallin Holding


Special Mentions

Here’s our special mentions of 2019:

  • Amy Shao
  • Elizabeth Hanzcor
  • Xincheng Guo
  • Yi Shan Seah
  • Zuri Smith

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Congratulations to everyone who submitted, we loved seeing PKP through your eyes and can’t wait for next year!

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