Pembroke College Cambridge

Remembrance at Pembroke

Once more we find ourselves talking about memory. Remembrance is part of the rhythm of the year now; the poppy a symbol widely recognised and understood. Why is remembrance so important?

At a recent talk by an alumnus with military experience in Northern Ireland, Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Libya over thirty-five years of service, remembrance we a key theme. On armistice day we take a moment in silence to remember the deaths caused by the World Wars, but for many people there is a more immediate grief.  Wars did not stop in 1945.  War happens to people, and by connecting our collective experience of remembrance with individuals' stories we give that grief a space to be voiced. This week, to illustrate how connected remembrance is to Pembroke, we have been sharing the stories of World War One soldiers from Pembroke, whose names can be found on our War Memorial marking the 100th anniversary of their deaths. Their details are taken from this list, which you can read in full on our website.

Douglas ArmitageCharles MorrisAlexander SeatonWilliam LockRobert RichardsonNelson NeateLewis McAfeeFrederick Barwell[/auto-gallery]

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Pembroke College Cambridge