Pembroke College Cambridge

Societies, students, and socialising, a freshers’ week round-up

A lot goes on in Pembroke during the first week of term, colloquially known as freshers' week.  Here is a summary of a small handful of activities and events

Freshers’ week, that first week of term filled with socialising and introductions for new students, is now over.  As usual, students have been entertained by our hard-working societies and Junionr and Graduate Parlour Committees (JPC and GPC).  Here is a round-up of a small snap-shot of the range of activities that go on at Pembroke.

[caption id="attachment_25857" align="alignleft" width="188"]The Old Library The Old Library[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_25858" align="alignright" width="176"]View from a tea party View from a tea party[/caption]



On Sunday students and parents joined the Dean in the Old Library for the traditional Dean’s tea party, an event so popular it was standing room only. Here, the Dean and Master were able to meet students and parents before Choral Evensong




[caption id="attachment_25872" align="alignleft" width="194"]Valentino surveys all Valentino surveys all[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_25860" align="alignright" width="191"]Tea parties are a GP tradition Tea parties are a GP tradition[/caption]


It's not just undergraduates that are new to the college at the start of Michaelmas. Graduates were welcomed with a tea party, a daily event during freshers’ and a weekly event – including the Great GP Bake Off! – during term.  The GP has a welcoming and relaxed atmosphere, and this event is perfect for meeting fellow graduates and the GPC over tea and cake.  These sessions are now further improved by the addition of Valentine, the GP's (synthetic!) tortoise.



[caption id="attachment_25862" align="alignleft" width="211"]FW6 'Squash' is an appropriate name for this popular event[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_25861" align="alignright" width="204"]FW5 Sports societies are always keen for new members![/caption]

Kicking off Pembroke life for all students is the Freshers’ squash.  Here students are able to sign up to sports and societies, ensuring their inboxes will be packed with events, auditions, and team try-outs for the rest of term.  Whether you enjoy music, art, politics, or sports, there’s something among our societies for everyone.







Many societies hold auditions for new members, as Pembroke's own Accapella group, AccaPembroke, does







And for those who are new to Cambridge and may struggle to find their way around, walking buses led by helpful JPC (Junior Parlour Committee) members are a regular fixture during the week, leading freshers to the CUSU societies fair, the botanic gardens, and on informative tours



Graduates were treated to a historical tour of Cambridge, going from Pembroke itself to the Corpus Clock, Kings Chapel, Senate House and Trinity and St Johns.

FW9 FW11 FW10FW12


Adding to the tea-and-cake consumption were several picnics, including one organised by Pembroke's 1347 committee, who made the most of the last of the freshers' week sunshine






For those who wanted to improve their bop moves and get a taster of a new skill, the GP ran a ballroom and latin dancing taster session





Not pictured here are all the other events and activities run during freshers week, which are numerous and diverse. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Punting!
  • Bops, quiz nights, pub nights, and formal dinners
  • Numerous ‘chilled vibes’ sessions from the Collage Society
  • Silent disco
  • Charity picnics
  • Welcome brunch
  • Rowing day


Good luck to all students with the year ahead!

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