Pembroke College Cambridge

The Term so Far: Week 3

It's only week 3, but Pembroke has been as busy as ever with a series of fascinating speakers, and more events on the way.

Looking back:Image 18-02-02

On Holocaust Memorial Day Pembroke hosted the Holocaust Memorial Lecture, in which Dr Brian Klug spoke on ‘The Power of Words’.  Human dignity and the fundamental worth of every human being are at the heart of human rights, and can help find balance between freedom of speech and protection of the vulnerable and oppressed.

From Pembroke Papers we’ve learned that small can be powerful, as Ruizhi Wang introduced his audience to the importance of the invention of transistors, and the transformative potential of graphene. Graphene is a familiar topic in Pembroke; Professor Andrea Ferrari is Director of the Cambridge Graphene Centre, and has been exploring potential applications in zero-gravity conditions. His work is part of collaboration between the Graphene Flagship and the European Space Agency.

Speaking at the invitation of the Pembroke Politics society, Tom Newton Dunn laid out some of the complexities of the current political landscape, and the challenges for both parties in the next election.  Earlier in the week Lord Chris Smith offered the advice that the future of progressive politics must be inclusive, open, and international. Our students seem to agree, as this term they have set up events for LGBT+ history month, International Women’s Day, and Green Week, while the admissions team is preparing for a BME access day and the annual Women in Science residential.

Future events:

On Thursday 8th February, Professor Turalay Kenç, Pembroke Visiting Professor of Public Finance, will deliver a lecture examining the "Challenges to Monetary Policy in a Global Context".  The lecture is open to all, but please book tickets in advance through the Eventbrite page.

The Stokes society holds weekly talks on scientific subjects, which are open to all.

The LGBT+ history month panel this year is on the subject of 'Queering Britain's National Heritage', and will include Lord Chris Smith, Master of Pembroke and former culture secretary.

The first Pembroke Festival of Voice will be taking place in March with recitals and masterclasses from leading musicians. Follow the Sir Arthur Bliss Song Series on Facebook and Twitter for updates.

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Pembroke College Cambridge