Pembroke College Cambridge

Pembroke House

Pembroke House is College's social action centre in Walworth, South London, just off the Old Kent Road. Founded in 1885 on the initiative of undergraduates, Pembroke House still fulfils the original vision of a “settlement”, where living locally, learning and receiving are just as important as giving and serving.

The area served by Pembroke House includes the Aylesbury Estate, where unemployment is high and large sections of the local population are transitory and do not remain long in the area. Community spirit, however, thrives in the rich multicultural diversity of the neighbourhood.

The charity has undergone something of a renaissance in the last decade, demonstrated not least by the magnificent rebuilding and upgrade project completed in 2009 after a £1.5 million campaign. The number of users is expected to rise from current levels of 400 to over 1,100 per week in the coming years.

Pembroke House seeks to serve the community through various projects, including a youth centre sponsored by Southwark Council, a senior citizens' luncheon club, the Pembroke Academy of Music, which brings music teaching to an area where such opportunities are scarce, and  the wonderfully diverse church community of St Christopher's which is at the heart of the House. Projects are enhanced by collaborations with community partners and corporate supporters.

The premises also include, together with a house for the Warden, a residency of five bedsits which accommodates Pembroke students in London - either to volunteer at the House or to commute into the City for internships or charity placements. Overnight accommodation is also available from time to time. College members who wish to stay there should email the Centre Manager.

The Warden is the Revd David Evans. He was installed at Pembroke House in September 2010. An opportunity to meet the Warden, Centre Manager and project leaders occurs regularly when they visit the College.

Contact the Warden by email or by telephone (020 7703 3803).

Students of the College are encouraged to involve themselves in the work of the House in any of a great number of ways: through joint concerts with the Music Academy, volunteering in the Long Vacation, evening visits to London to see the projects in action, fundraising in College and so on. The relationship is mutually enriching and students find that they have much to give and much to gain.

Regular joint events in the calendar include the Chapel Choir's annual Carol Service in Walworth at the end of the Michaelmas Term, the congregation of St Christopher's coming up to Cambridge for a day with the chapel community once a year, a joint concert by musicians from both institutions in the Lent Term, and an annual day out from Walworth in the Long Vacation.

For more information about Pembroke House, please visit its website:

Postal address: Pembroke House, 80 Tatum Street, London SE17 1QR.

Registered charity number: 1177866.

In this section

There are now more and more projects taking place within our refurbished buildings.