Pembroke College Cambridge

Vacation Storage

There are very limited facilities within the College for storing personal possessions during vacations and any student wishing to leave things in either of the storage areas must have permission to do so. A charge will be made for leaving possessions in storage.  The College Registrar’s office oversees the administration of the storage areas in College.

*Storage capacity if significantly reduced currently due to basement flooding and therefore there is no guarantee of being offered space in any of the vacation periods*

Priority system for the allocation of storage space 

•    Undergraduate students with a home address registered on CamSIS outside the UK
•   Undergraduate students who are care leavers or estranged.
•    Year abroad students who have a home address registered on CamSIS outside the UK
•    Undergraduate students in accommodation owned by the College
•    Postgraduate students going on fieldwork of 3 months or longer 

Storage limits per person

•    2 shelves of approximate dimensions 110cm x 45cm x 60cm.  
•    No floor storage

Storage Charges

Christmas vacation storage: £25

Easter vacation storage: £25

Summer storage: £50

Year of intermitting or Year abroad storage: £100

Use of storage without being granted permission: £50 + standard storage charge

Charges will be added to college bills.

If you consider yourself in financial difficulty due to this charge please contact your tutor.

Fines are charged to students who fail to clear their belongings on time.

Anyone not following the storage rules and/or allowing people without official permission to use the storage facilities will be fined and barred from future use.

The storage rooms

The storage rooms are located in the basements of U Staircase and Foundress Court and offer communal storage on deep open shelving. They are kept locked and are accessible only to those with permission from the Tutorial Office. The College Registrar's Assistant administers storage in College. Students must apply for permission to store their things.

The storage rooms are in the basement of buildings which are not aired in order to keep them secure.  Owners place their items at their own risk e.g. flood, burst pipes, damage from other students using storage etc.

When to apply

Before the end of term, the Tutorial Office will send an email offering eligible students to fill in a storage application form, along with vacation storage information. Students must reapply for storage space each vacation.

Storage Room Access

Access is by card. Students have access to the storage room for the whole of the vacation storage period. By using their card to gain entry to the storage rooms, students agree to abide by the Storage Terms and Conditions.

Clearing your things

After the vacation, students must remove their belongings by the end of the first week of term. Fines are charged to those who fail to clear their things on time and items may be disposed of at the discretion of the College after the start of term. It is important that students label their belongings and take photos clearly so that items forgotten and left in the storage rooms can be easily reunited with their owner.

What happens if I am not allocated storage or my possessions will take up more than 2 shelves

Many local storage companies offer student storage if you have a lot of possessions you can not take with you over the holiday this may be a better option for you.

Students with needs that exceed what is available from the college will need to use private storage companies.  While we cannot recommend specific companies through experience, some that other institutions recommend include:

Further private external storage guidance can be found at: