Pembroke College Cambridge

What is the Graduands' Council?

The Graduands’ Council (GC) is a College initiative for finalists that has been running since 2000, formerly known as the “100% Club” and later the “Pembroke Leavers’ Group” (PLG). 

Graduands in their third and fourth years fundraise from their finalist peers to create a Class Gift for the Pembroke students who follow them. Finalists who become donors vote between two student areas of College need the Council has selected, and the highest number of votes determines which fund will benefit, however, upon request, the 2023/24 cohort will direct donations to both areas. 

The 2022/23 graduand cohort voted for Mental Welfare, and this year’s 2023/24 finalists are fundraising for Student Green Spaces on the Mill Lane site and Student Bursaries.


Give back and connect

All donations of any size are welcome, and we seek participation above anything else. The GC’s goal is to not only fundraise for important student causes, but pull the year group together, give back, and build an even stronger collective bond with the College as donors. If a Direct Debit is setup, you’ll receive a yearly invitation for the donor garden party each June, another excuse to return to Pembroke!

To date, the iterations of the Graduands’ Council has cumulatively raised almost £54,000 for student causes! If every 2023/24 graduand set up the suggested ongoing annual Direct Debit of £13.47, then the 2023/24 graduands would raise over £10,000 in just 5 years! Donate now if you can!