Pembroke College Cambridge

Year 12 Arts and Humanities Summer Residential

Are you in Year 12 (S5 in Scotland, Year 13 in Northern Ireland), attending a UK state school, and thinking of applying to an Arts or Humanities subject at university? Would like to find out more about what it’s like to study at Cambridge? If so, then our Summer Residential might be for you!

The event is aimed at students in year 12 (S5 in Scotland, Year 13 in Northern Ireland) who are considering studying a course within the arts or humanities at university, and will provide successful applicants with the opportunity to explore a number of subjects in more depth, get a taste of life at Cambridge, meet current students and staff, and find out more about the application process and Cambridge as a city. We hope that students who participate will get a real taste of university life, and a better understanding of what they can do now to prepare themselves for this step. The event will also include participation in one of the University of Cambridge’s Open Days.


  • 1st - 4th July 2024

Subjects included

This summer school is relevant to anyone considering one of the following courses that Cambridge offers: Anglo-Saxon, Norse, and Celtic; Archaeology; Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; Classics; Education; English; History; History and Modern Languages; History and Politics; History of Art; Human, Social, and Political Sciences; Law; Linguistics; Philosophy; Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion.

A full list of Cambridge’s undergraduate degrees can be found on the Cambridge website.


Applications for our 2024 Arts & Humanities residential have now closed

The deadline to apply was 9am on Wednesday 29th May 2024. We will be in touch with all applicants shortly after the deadline to let them know the outcome. 

In the meantime, to find more events taking place across the University, please visit the Events Listing page on the Undergraduate Study website



There are a number of eligibility criteria that are considered when selecting successful applicants. Essential criteria include currently attending a state school in the UK, and being on track to attain either:

  • A*AA at A level
  • As in Scottish Highers (with the intention of taking three Advanced Highers in S6)
  • 776 at Higher Level (International Baccalaureate)

Where spaces are limited, students who meet one or more of the following criteria will be prioritised. The criteria below are organised in order of their priority i.e. being care experienced is of the highest priority.

  • Have lived, or are currently living, in local authority care
  • Students who are currently eligible for Free School Meals, or have been in the last six years, or who are eligible for pupil premium
  • Students who come from an under-represented ethnic group:
    • Black African and Black Caribbean
    • Pakistani and Bangladeshi
    • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller
  • Students who have experienced disruption to their education such as for the following reasons:
    • Medical/health issues (including mental health), particularly those that have resulted in long or extended periods of absence (over eight weeks) from school in the last six years
    • Bereavement of a close family member (e.g. parent/carer) in the last six years
    • Being a young carer, defined as being the primary carer for a parent or sibling
    • Becoming a parent
    • Being an asylum seeker or refugee
    • Becoming estranged from both primary carers (e.g. parents/carers)
    • Moving schools two or more times in the last six years (this does not include moving between different school levels, such as primary to secondary or middle school, or secondary school to sixth form)
  • Students from schools with historic low progression to Oxbridge
  • Students who live in POLAR4 Quintiles 1&2 or IMD Quintiles 1&2 postcodes
  • Students with no parental history of higher education
  • Students who have a disability or special educational need
  • Students who attend a school in one of Pembroke College’s link areas.


The Arts and Humanities Summer Residential is completely free of charge for successful applicants! Students in receipt of free school meals may also be eligible to have their return travel costs covered by Pembroke College.


  • If you have any questions, please contact Libby Prodger at 

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