Pembroke College Cambridge

Assessment and Credit


Assessment usually takes the form of a project report between 4,000 and 6,000 words, although this may vary depending on your project. The mode of assessment will be confirmed early in the programme by your supervisor.

Getting academic credit

Academic credit can usually be gained for taking part in the programme, although the amount of credit can vary according to the policy of your home institution.

You should speak to your home institution in the first instance to check whether they will give credit for the programme and how much credit. In general, the course load should equate to 3-5 credits.

Credit transfer is generally straightforward. The 8-15 hours per week of independent study and 8 hours supervision contact time, combined with the Cambridge style of teaching which places a strong focus on intensive, one-to-one teaching, individual feedback on performance and guided independent study, is likely to fit with your home institution's policy.

We'll provide you with a transcript to help in arranging credit.


We usually send transcripts to you or your home institution within a month of the end of the programme.

Grade format

You'll receive a UK percentage grade for your final project which will show on your transcript. While the UK grading system uses percentages, we'll provide a conversion table for international grades on the transcript. You should be aware that it is very uncommon for students to get over 80%.