Pembroke College Cambridge

Global Health

Capstone Project Title

Strategies to enhance interdisciplinarity and inclusivity in global health

Capstone Project Brief

The recent pandemic has demonstrated that the world is increasingly at risk from disease-causing organisms. Furthermore, Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is also becoming a critical topic in global health research since it severely reduces the efficacy of antibiotics in treating bacterial infections. The Capstone Project is designed to provide insights into innovative solutions that enhance interdisciplinarity and inclusivity by providing perspectives from different disciplines to address health disparities through a singular lens of global health. This is part of a wider Capstone Project, commissioned by the government authorities in Cambridge and London, in the field of global health bringing together global health experts in the UK.

With guidance from the supervisor, you will take a multidisciplinary approach to global health that combines some of the latest findings and methodologies from medical, biomedical, health science, maths, and computer science research. You will also place inclusivity at the core of global health research and promote critical perspectives on global health paradigms by analysing data from diverse populations and communities at all levels of healthcare.

During this Capstone Project, you will endeavour to design possible solutions for epidemic and pandemic preparedness for both local communities and national governments using case studies and publicly available relevant data sets. You will contribute to (1) an international global health research database and collaborative network of global health scholars and (2) a research publication in collaboration with international global health experts facilitated by your supervisor.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Refine knowledge and understanding of the science of diseases.
  • Development of research skills, such as study design, collection, analysis and interpretation of data.
  • Application of research skills to investigate global health challenges.

Please note: The specific research focus of your project will be determined and confirmed with guidance from your supervisor.

Intended Audience

The Capstone Project invites applications from students in scientific disciplines such as medical, biomedical sciences, social science and computer science as well as anyone interested in global health research. It is of particular interest to aspiring scientists, researchers and policy-makers and strategists looking to work in the fields of global health, biomedical research, computational biology and health policy sectors.

Previous Knowledge and Prerequisites

No prior knowledge of computer science or biomedical sciences is necessary, although an interest in the field of global health issues is welcome.

General Prerequisites:

  • Interest in global health issues: A keen interest in learning about health issues and their management by national governments.
  • Basic understanding of medical concepts, such as, infectious diseases, emergency preparedness and response, and strengthening health systems. 
  • Access to publicly available information from specialist news, academic and research sites, for example, the World Health Organisation.

Transferable Knowledge and Skills

The Capstone Project will not only develop skills and knowledge essential to the field of medical research, but also to other fields like policy-making, health governance and social justice. Students will learn and enhance the following skills:

  • Critical thinking: understand the interconnections between health, social, and economic factors and their impact on health outcomes, equity, and access to healthcare services.
  • Analyse data: from a variety of sources to comprehend trends and disparities in global health.
  • Academic writing: Gain experience of writing a research paper and possibly leading to a contribution to a reviewed publication. 
  • Designing a health research project: You will be equipped with the foundational skills to set up a research project in the field of global health.


Capstone Project Report (100%)

Please note: You will also write an abstract of the report which may be published as part of the final report of the wider Capstone Project.